abuse of notationの例文
- With some abuse of notation, one may write this as
- :Using functions like that is an abuse of notation.
- Nevertheless, this abuse of notation is widely used as, generally, it is not confusing.
- :I generally understand those written infinite limits as being little more than an abuse of notation.
- Because applying an operator is different from multiplying the components, this is considered an abuse of notation.
- Please see Abuse of notation for further details . talk ) 07 : 00, 4 February 2009 ( UTC)
- As a result, the latter notation is a convenient abuse of notation, and not a standard ( Lebesgue ) integral.
- :They aren't really the same " u " and technically its an abuse of notation to reuse it.
- A similar abuse of notation occurs in sentences such as " Let us consider the function . . . " In fact is not a function.
- I've finally had it up to here with what appears, from my understanding, to be gross abuse of notation committed by practically everybody.
- This abuse of notation is, in fact, taken to be perfectly normal in measure theory; it is the standard notation for the Radon Nikodym derivative.
- As a slight abuse of notation, this ideal quantum channel will be also denoted by \ mathbb { C } ^ { n \ times n }.
- By abuse of notation, and to facilitate the spectrum of ambient spaces over which one can solve system, we do not use vector notation for z.
- In a slight abuse of notation, the word " structure " can also refer to just the operations on a structure, instead of the underlying set itself.
- By abuse of notation, improper integrals are often written symbolically just like standard definite integrals, perhaps with " infinity " among the limits of integration.
- This is an abuse of notation, as the name of the function is, and denotes normally the value of the function for the element of its domain.
- The equality holds since, by definition, the Minkowski metric is symmetric . ( Thus the right hand side is not short-hand notation or abuse of notation .)
- It is important to note that there is slight abuse of notation in this shorthand expression, as in reality this wave function can be and usually is multi-valued.
- Please, note the abuse of notation : On the left hand side in line 1 of this chain of equations, ( \ cdot ) stands for the map defined above.
- However, in most computer algebra systems, expressions are distinct from functions, and the habit of this abuse of notation leads many beginners in computer algebra to make erroneous computations.